adrenaline rush
- 网络肾上腺素;兴奋激发

With the armorsmith trinket and adrenaline rush there is nothing a priest can do against me .
You know , I live in London , and I work as a journalist , and I enjoy the buzz and the busyness , and the adrenaline rush that comes from both of those things .
It 's all that adrenaline rush .
The adrenaline rush you need as an entrepreneur is here , he said .
You 'd never find him looking for an adrenaline rush or even a little novelty .
If you are combat spec , this is also where you use adrenaline rush .
Many day traders are addicted to the adrenaline rush they feel when they place a trade .
Move over extreme sports , ' extreme phone pinching ' is guaranteed to deliver an adrenaline rush like never before .
Seeking a pressure-fueled adrenaline rush ;
You 'll win almost every week – the fear that your number might actually come up is an adrenaline rush to beat them all .
The adrenaline rush is amazing .
Later that day , the adrenaline rush long gone , you felt drained , spacey , and loaded with lower back pain .
Instead , the adrenaline rush seemed to make my brain work much faster , and I was able to absorb in clear detail several things at once .
For those seeking an extra adrenaline rush there will also be a bungee jump - and not just any ordinary one , but the world 's highest !
If you 're an active procrastinator , you choose to put things off because you like the adrenaline rush that comes with getting things done right at the wire .
Not only will you get the adrenaline rush you crave while freefalling thousands of feet in the air , but you 'll get to enjoy a beautiful view from a very unique vantage point as you descend .
As much as I love to sink a trick shot alone on a public court , nothing matches the adrenaline rush and communal feeling of joy that I experience when I make a lay-up for my team .
BASE ( Building , Antenna , Span , Earth ) jumpers , who parachute off tall buildings or cliffs , are usually after the adrenaline rush that accompanies the fall , not a slew of criminal charges .
An on-site photographer will capture what goes down on film so that tourists can remember the adrenaline rush through photos - if they choose to fork over an additional fee for the keepsakes , that is .
Over lunch , he admitted that when he left office in 2008 , he suffered a bout of the blues : without the adrenaline rush of power , it was tough to cope with the endless criticism of his policies .